


Consultation Services

In addition to providing assessments and diagnosis, when necessary, the DFW Assessment team is happy to offer consultation services. These services give you the opportunity to talk with a member of our team about the results of assessment reports, effectiveness of treatments, receive support and advocacy services, and discuss strategies you can try to improve success in every aspect of daily life.

Types of Consultative Services

You may want to considered requesting consultation services from one of our skilled clinicians in a variety of situations, including:

Full and Individual Evaluations (FIE)

Discussion of the results of full and individual evaluations (FIE) and how they impact your child’s education. These evaluations are performed by school district professionals to determine eligibility to receive special education services. The reports you receive may not always be 100% clear to you, and one of our knowledgeable clinicians can help you review and understand these reports and their potential implications.

Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Meetings

Following your child’s FIE, you will have an admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) meeting. During this meeting, several representatives of the school will meet with you to discuss your child’s potential special education needs and create their support plan. For many parents, these meetings can be overwhelming. One of our clinicians can serve as an advocate for you and your child during these meetings.

Review ARD Paperwork

At your child’s ARD, you’ll likely receive a mountain of reports and documentation as part of the process to create your child’s Individual Education Program (IEP). We can also review this paper work with you to ensure you and your child completely understand the steps that will be taken going forward and that the goals are appropriate to your child’s needs.

Section 504 Meetings

Section 504 plans are guides explaining how schools will remove educational barriers and provide support for students with disabilities. If you want to initiate a Section 504 plan for your child, it all starts with a medical diagnosis and a meeting. Typically, these meetings include parents, teachers, principals, and other members of the school district. One of our clinicians can attend these meetings with you to help you better understand the accommodations and plans being put in place to assist your child.

Response to Intervention (RtI) Meetings

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tier method of identifying learning and behavior needs and providing support for those students identified as in need of support. While RtI is not part of special education, the plans are designed to be continually reassessed to ensure learners always receive the support they need to be successful. We work with parents as advocates during RtI meetings or to help you evaluate reports and documentation.

Follow Up Reporting and Support

After testing with DFW Assessment, we will be happy to send teachers and school staff a copy of the evaluation report for their review. If needed, we can discuss recommendations and our findings with school staff. We can also provide patients and parents phone and email support after testing. If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for follow up assistance.

Practical and Advice Consultation

Our clinicians also meet with patients and parents to discuss problems you or your child are having. We can offer techniques and strategies you can attempt at home or school and discuss practical ways to face challenges head on to maximize your child’s strengths.

What to Expect from Your Consultant

One of our team members will provide clear, concise, professional advice, support, and recommendations for patients as needed. We may ask that you submit reports and other documentation prior to a consultation to ensure we’re able to meet your needs in the office or in our role as advocate during meetings with education professionals. We are always here to answer your questions whether you’re in the office or at-home. Please don’t hesitate to call or email if you have questions, especially if you’ve already visited us for assessment or consultation services. Following our consultation, we will provide follow up documents and information as necessary.

DFW Assessment will be
closing on June 1st, 2024.